Captio Cookies Policy

This web page uses cookies to run the website. For all the information regarding Captio’s Cookies Policy, please refer to this Cookies policy.

To exercise any rights, raise doubts or make enquiries about this cookies policy, do not hesitate to get in contact with us at the following email address:   You can find further information in our privacy policy.  

Captio may modify this cookies policy according to legislative or regulatory demands, or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency; users are therefore advised to visit this policy from time to time. Users will be informed when important changes are made to this policy via the website.

  • What is a cookie?

Cookies are small information files that are downloaded onto the device in order to access certain web pages. Cookies, amongst other things, make it possible to compare and understand how users browse the website, and, as a result, improve the browsing process.

There are several types of cookies and depending on the entity that handles them, they can be the company’s own cookies or those of third parties.  Cookies may be used for many purposes, e.g. technical, related to preferences or personalisation, for analysis or measurement, or for behavioural advertising. Lastly, depending on the time that the cookies are stored on the system, we can distinguish between session cookies and persistent cookies.

  • Cookies used on this website

Following the guidelines from the Spanish Data Protection Agency, we shall specify how this website uses cookies with the aim of informing you in the most exact way possible.

Captio uses its own cookies and those of third parties which are listed below. It is also possible that some of these third-party entities may transfer the data to third countries; you can obtain more information about these transfers in the corresponding policies (see the links provided in the next cookies panel “third-party cookies”).

Neither this website nor its legal representatives shall be responsible for the content or the truthfulness of the privacy policies that the third parties referred to in this cookies policy may have.

  • Disabling, blocking or deleting the cookies

You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your system directly from the cookies consent tool enabled on the website for this purpose, or by using the aforementioned “change consent” option.  Likewise, you can configure your browser to accept or reject all cookies by default or to receive a warning on the screen when each cookie is received and decide at the time whether or not it is installed on your hard drive. 

The fact that you may configure your browser to reject all cookies or specifically the cookies on this website could mean that you cannot access some of the services and your experience on Captio’s website may be less rewarding.