How to save on travel expense management

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Improving the process of travelling, allowance and mileage management leads to savings in several areas, some of which may not be obvious at first sight. The transformation of the process not only enables existing tasks to be performed more effectively, but rather it radically changes or even eliminates some of them.

Transforming travel expense management processes using a specialized tool offers several benefits at different points of the process. The first saving is made at the point when expenses are input. As this is a costly process, like drafting an expense report, when it is automated, time is saved that was previously spent on administrative tasks.

Also resulting from the automation of tasks, the second area of saving comes in the expense supervision phase. Supervisors receive the expense reports with the information that has been pre-processed by Captio. This means that each expense, before reaching the supervisor, has already been through an automatic expense report approval filter. The workload of the supervisor is reduced significantly, as they only have to mediate in problematic cases.

Before reaching the supervisor, each expense has already been through an automatic approval filter stage. Another area of savings is due to reducing levels of fraud. Monitoring each expense automatically, one by one, enables a huge reduction in cases of travel expense fraud. Meanwhile, as this engenders a sense of greater control, the incentive to try to slip an expense under the radar or exaggerate your report is reduced. 

In addition, the material and infrastructure required to manage the process is cut considerably. Of course, less paper is used but, moreover, the digitization of the process avoids the need for the area allotted for the physical storage of this paper mountain, which has to be saved for legal and administrative reasons.New Call-to-action

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